Chrysalis Sessions: Parsing our Exits as Care: Queer Funerals and Post-Life Practicalities
a workshop and workbook developed by Emary Parisi and Harumi Miura as part of our 2022 Chrysalis Sessions.
Los Angeles, CA, Summer 2022Using a queer anarchist lens, Parsing our Exits as Care: Queer Funerals & Post-Life Practicalities invites those who gather within it, as readers and/or workshop participants, to parse out intentions around death & funerals.
Lets (re)imagine our exits: deaths & funerals—as an act of care towards our loved ones, communities, and selves. How can confronting death’s inevitability yield agency for queers today? In this workbook, readers are invited to address components of post-life: from will-writing to digital asset management to commemorative playlists, and on.
Parsing our Exits as Care emerged from the workshop developed by Emary Parisi and Harumi Miura as part of our 2022 Chrysalis Sessions hosted at University of California, Los Angeles and can be used independently of or within the workshop space.
Limited copies will be available this July at the San Francisco Art Book Fair at our friends’ Press Press booth and at Emary Parisi’s forthcoming workshop at HolSol Studio in Philadelphia this Fall. PDF copies are also available for free download below.
Trigger warning: discussions around death and funerals.︎ Download the PDF

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