an experiment in access-centered political education for collective autonomy and governance beyond the state
EMERGING THEMES * double click below *

The Alphabet of DispossessionCLPP mini: "Grammars of Determination"
by Ella Shohat, published in the Jerusalem Quarterly
SPK: Turn Illness into a Weapon
CLPP highlight
by the Socialist Patients' Collective, translated by Huber (SPK/PF)
October 15, 2024
WORKSHOP: scaffolding / becoming / autonomies / ungovernable
with X-TRA, Active Cultures and Printed Matter
GATHERING: Weekend for Collective Being and Making
a semi-annual gathering of Weavers and friends of the Center
PUBLICATION: Straining Letters into Noise
with Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Graphic Design

Black Scare / Red Scare: Theorizing Capitalist Racism in the United States
by Charisse Burden-Stelly
be well (after tasha)
by denise shanté brown be well (after tasha) is Denise Shanté's poetic response to "take care" by songwriter and musician, tasha. It was written during the summer nights of 2020 after emerging out of a six-week period of not leaving her home and feeling compelled, out of necessity, to write a letter of care to the people she loves.
to those before me, to those with me, & to those after me: a speech from a diasporic ashanti queer.
by ángel
Toolkit for Cooperative, Collective, & Collaborative Cultural Work
by Press Press and Institute for Expanded Research
PUBLICATION: Chrysalis Sessions – Parsing our Exits as Care: Queer Funerals and Post-Life Practicalities
with Emary Parisi
bless our breath
alea adigweme, Gordon Hall, Kimi Hanauer, Jovonna Jones, Malcolm Peacock, Alice Yuan Zhang with Gas Gallery
A Tender Talk: Manifesto for Tender Collaborative Work
by Shan Wallace, Iris Lee, and Jenna Porter in conversation with Kimi Hanauer, published by Press Press